I joined my friend Joan for a day hike to Brasstown Bald by way of the Arkaquah Trail. This section of trail is a long steady 5.5-mile climb beginning at Track Rock Gap (2280-ft) and ending at the Visitors Center where the trail changes to a paved footpath (0.6-miles) to the summit (4784-ft) and observation deck. The elevation gain of 2504-feet is more than any other trail or combination of trails of similar length in Georgia.
It’s late fall in Georgia, absent leaves give way to views of valley farms.
Brasstown Bald is Georgia’s highest elevation 4784-feet
View of the mountains we hiked in getting here.
View from the observation deck, in the background is Lake Chatuge, North Carolina and the Great Smoky Mountains NP.
On the return dark came quickly after the sun dipped behind the mountains forcing us to dig out our headlamps for a little night hiking on our return to the cars.
Tagged: nature, trips